
Classify yourself

Did you ask yourself  before? 1.Are you Conservative? 2.Are you Liberal? 3.Are you in the middle? The same  questions  may be viewed as  1.Are you  financial  Conservative? 2.Are you financial  liberal? 3.Are you financial  in the middle? We  can take  the same questions  to your  Religion. 1.Does your  Religion  want  you  to be  Conservative? 2.Does your Religion  want you to be Liberal? 3.Does  your religion allow  you to be in the middle? All the above  questions  will help you if you answer them honestly. What are the benefits   of these Questions? They will  shape  your Thinking and Behiour which  will lead you to better life. You shall also earn Respect. People will behave the way you behave.

The Best Safety

It starts  from you.Be it love,fear,anxiety  all of them will be active  when  you Fear. So any enemy or opposition  will "instill" Fear because  the  mind  has the ability   to weaken the whole body. Well,our eyes  or ears   are transferring the images   to our brains.The  flow of blood   with the hormones  weakens our hearts and joints. Some of these threats are  Real some are scaring tactics.In order to make the Threat  to be Real would  depend  how much can you absorb the Threat. If you show  the Ultra Resistance  you can Overcome  the Fear. I have  passed and came over the Human Mountains.I"m talking  about a crowd which wanted to "grind me" because one lied  that  I was a Witch.Thats the  painful  side of being Black African.It was driven by my biological  parents because  I did not pay Black Tax See  also

Are you still holding your Parents line?

Hi. It depends from which generation you come from.I have categorised the generations as follows: 1925-1935.    Men: They hold  fast on the teachings of their parents and want to pass their parents  teachings to their children. Women: They were taught to be not easy to get by men.They got it from their parents. 1936-1945 Men: They partly accept their  parents teachings the technology has made themselves "better" than their parents Women The stress is on family building. If the man is working far she will  not date  any man. 1946-1956 Men The way of life has changed.They take partially care of their parents as their parents become older. Women They were taught not to forget their roots and at the same time  they had hold steadfastly to their families. 1957-1967 Men This group is extreme. It reviews the way they brought up. If they were brought in a hard way,they will "disappear' meaning not connect with their families or if they were treated well they will take care o

Difference between your Life and Past

Any progressing human being  must change and pass through changes.Some of these challenges are painful and some are smooth.The degree of pain is the one which will push you to any resistance.As I have said some of the pain is sailable and takes a small time and some becomes so Big in such way they take a  long time to be solved. It is not only the wealth,but  facing the reality.You must know everyone wants to survive.The  side weakness of human being is the interference. Not all the death is natural.It is caused by all the types of stress be financially, health and other "unseen  enemies" You know your past and presence. Start now to prepare for the future

Understanding your Friends (1)

There are three types of friends 1.A Friend who will tell you the Truth so that you can succeed. 2.A Friend who will tell  you  the Truth  in order to destroy you  3.A Friend who will not tell you anything. This type of friend does not care whether you succeed or now 1.What  is the True Friend? This type  of friend gives you the practical  solutions and objectives. Such a friend is not interested in your assets and your spouse. 2.A Friend who will tell you the Truth in order to destroy you. This one portrays himself/herself as the best.He/She wants that you must be isolated so that you can be send to a Mental Institution and the aim is to keep on your property and perhaps taking care of your  spouse. 3.A Friend who will not tell you anything. This one is very dangerous.He/She knows  wherever,whatever you think.You can be attacked unaware.Watch,listen to him/her carefully.Apply the same approach.

Life is a struggle (2)

We are living in the difficult times. The World Economy is not growing. Literally People don't have money or they live from hand to  mouth at least. Unemployment  It depends where you live. Unemployment may be caused by 1.State. 2.Laziness. 3.Past ill-preparation 4.Over zealous of imaginary job 5.Too choosy Country Certain countries can limit your ability or restrict people such as 1.Foreigners 2.Segregation 3.Saturated Skills 4.Slavery salaries  Planning  1.Plan Ahead (6 years) 2.Schooling 3.Dream job

Where did you Learn from what you are doing?

No one is born with hatred. No one is born with Love. No one is born with Revenge or Avenge. Those were habits which were copied from somewhere direct or indirect. We are all influenced by our families, friends,those who we like or don't like for one or another reason or even the countries we live in. That's why it is easy or difficult to get a job or a business. When People buy your product,it's either they like your Product because you have marketed it very well or they like your nationality  or both. It is difficult to survive in the multicultural  country.You have to get the natural person  of that Country.Usually the resources are very small. A Big Question is,can we change from our behaviour? We must start from our families so that the family friends can change.The Education system may help us. The Community Organizations should be should be allowed to contribute.The Economic conditions are exacerbating the situation.It will take one brave person to change the situati