
Showing posts from August, 2017

Chapter 4 About Yourself.(Texas For Hope/2017)

How was your day? I'm back as promised.I watched Texas from USA cable networks. I asked myself the possibility of survival against the natural odds.Water can be a blessing or a curse sometimes. In all what I saw made me to think deep thought of those trapped in water and cut of those trapped in water and cut of communication but due to the technology era which we live in,we can see,what is happening. There are certain questions about the individual trapped and people like myself who are outside. To be true to ourselves, the hardship and feeling gravity would affect us either  permanent or temporary. There are certain parallel affections. To Texas People: Finance is a major blow. No one has got enough money. If u imagine Texas people will not have enough money.It is worse those who rely on whatever business. The investors will want to know how would the Texas would pick her business.Is it wise to partner with Texas? but the snack here the general population does not have mo

Chapter 3: Your Health and Yourself

There are certain questions which if you can answer them honestly then surely your health can improve. There are simple questions which you can answer: 1.Do you eat balance food?   I mean green food,(types of meat daily),different fruits daily) 2.Which part of your body is regularly painful? 2.1 Head 2.2 Arms 2.3 Stomach 2.4 Knees 2.5 Every part of the body. Let me identify the possible causes: Head: you are thinking endlessly. (long hours,) thinking (long problems cannot be solved but difficult to solve. thinking finding half solution the part will solve its own. Neck: It is affected by the head the pains through veins full or scarce flowing blood. Sometimes the veins are visible. Too much blood is needed by your brains that's why you thick visible veins on your neck. Shoulders: Your arms literally are pulling down your shoulders. They are burden.It is as if they are foreign structures. Stomach:More or less digestive juice will be released and unfortunately with l

Chapter 2

Hi.I.m back as promised. I'm going to look at your strength, healthy wise probably the next chapter.I will look also yourself and the people who are around yourself. Some people measure their success with money barometer. Partly they are correct, money breeds happiness and prosperity. You are stronger than money.You don't know your that line of strength. Your ideas are stronger than money.You call the shots and unfortunately people get money and you get the praise. I,m trying to say that  you 'be got more power than money. Unfortunately you don't know that you do have such power. Such thinking may result to weakness.Beware that most people rate you low just because they can rake some filthy money. All you have read today will have some negative  health. I will discuss it next Saturday or Friday.

Do you know yourself? Chapter1

hi.the next weeks/months/years,I will the very interesting topics.I will be publishing more about character behavior of our follow human being. Why do I do that? to solve certain mysteries looked/overlooked by yourself. Certainly youdo have some unanswered questions. These unanswered questions cost u lot of time,money and health. Chapter 2 What are your strengths and weaknesses. U may send yours so that we can help each others