Chapter 3: Your Health and Yourself

There are certain questions which if you can answer them honestly then surely your health can improve.
There are simple questions which you can answer:
1.Do you eat balance food?   I mean green food,(types of meat daily),different fruits daily)
2.Which part of your body is regularly painful?
2.1 Head
2.2 Arms
2.3 Stomach
2.4 Knees
2.5 Every part of the body.
Let me identify the possible causes:
Head: you are thinking endlessly. (long hours,) thinking (long problems cannot be solved but difficult to solve.
thinking finding half solution the part will solve its own.
Neck: It is affected by the head the pains through veins full or scarce flowing blood.
Sometimes the veins are visible.
Too much blood is needed by your brains that's why you thick visible veins on your neck.
Shoulders: Your arms literally are pulling down your shoulders. They are burden.It is as if they are foreign structures.
Stomach:More or less digestive juice will be
released and unfortunately with little or no food to support your thinking.
Legs:The whole body now is s heavy burden.You cannot walk faster as before.
Feet:They are swollen,painful.
Next time Chapter 4
About Yourself .'Up to you'
Don't miss it email it to others. Realize your
energy, talent,craftsman, ability, influence, power, strength and capacity of doing thinks.Don't miss it.


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