
Showing posts from December, 2017

Chapter 56.Spenders,Over spenders and Underspenders

Hi. We are three types of people. There are those who spend because there's a need. They use cash at any time. There are over spenders who use everything from their pocket. They don't believe in future.Future will care itself. Some of them have belief that if I die now my will be used by others.At least there is a little reasons. There are those who don't reason for them,some listen,some don't listen. There are under spenders who are either rich,poor have  one goal.They are worried about their future. Some have daily limit. Do u want to work with me next year. How to monitize your blog. Email me at Subject: Blog monetization

Chapter 55.Future Plans

Hi. I had much discussion about the past,present surveys of the business. I did not much say about the  future of your business. A future is thought, planned when the business  does well. How well is well? It is when you live and maintain certain standards of survival. In simple language its when you make extra profits,which takes you month after month. It is when you have accumulated profits  3 months and you have bankable. It is wise to have a special savings for such profits. It is wise to open an called: Desert Account. You must know that one day u will retire or even die, then your family should maintain the business. You must have another one called: Prediction Fund. You should have the  following in mind: 1.Possibility of expanding your product through: 1.1 marketing 1.2 space 1.3 funding new customers 1.4 promotion method 1.5 technology trend towards your product Finances how much do you want to spend? sources of the funds.

Chapter 54.Business break

Hi. It is important just to close your computer for a week and take a break from it. Visit the areas which are related to your online business. Visit digital stores and find out new inventions. Ask the sellers how does the application work.How possible can expand your networking. Visit the digital magazines. Refresh yourself with snacks and tea. The following day just take a walk and just at the houses and their colours. Give yourself a homework and write the following: 1.What was the attitude of the people you have met? Were they friendly? 2.How was the communication at the shop? Ordinary, hostile,no communication. 3.Which colours did most people wear? 4.How was the weather hot,rainy,windy? 5.What kind of people who you mostly met,women,children or men.

Chapter 53.About Bitcoins

Hi Here is the list of bitcoins which may help u. FR.e.e To Join CryptoFundRaiser Bitcoin Buzz Bitty Cash BlockchainGame Prop Bubbles 5BTC xtb Affiliates Placed Affiliates Bitkong Xapo Faucets

Chapter 52 Monthly Performance.

Entry.                   Pageviews USA.                      508 Poland.                 273 Belgium.               220 Germany.             93 Ukraine.               61 France.                  9 Russia.                   13 UK.                          5 Czechia.                 5 South Africa.        9 Peru.                      1 Browsers ranged 1-55% Pageviews by operating systems 1-34% Pageviews all time history 6604 Other performing blogs: https://comedy new blog address.blogspot.

Chapter 51 Big Guys,small guys

Hi. Any human being or animal is born grows from birth,visible and gigantic. U cannot be in big business before u become small.You have to learn the basics and practicalize what you have learned. This will produce the good results. The good results will be the profits. You build  from the savings to grow. The past blogs were trying to make you grow your business. There were indications which were identified and as well as making you grow. How would you grow? 1.Savings from your business? 2.Limit human  resource? 3.Have a focus. Explore,Improve your product. 4.Follow the trend of your product. 5.Compare the trend with your competitors.

Chapter 50 Driven by economy

Hi The food which you eat,the friends who u meet,the place where where you stay,the partner you are staying with ,all is determined by money. Money needs a source as explained by the previous blog.Your money can be your resource. Although some of us work a 9h:00 to  5h:00 very hard to make ends meet.The salary which is obtained by these folks streamlines their lives.Having a car takes 3 to 5 years savings,a second its a luck. The same mentioned information can be aligned to business. I call it a domestic animal mentality. A wild animal is got a wild mentality and rely on running, timing,catching the "food". We,human beings are relaxed. We are afraid to take risks,even those risks don't ask you for penny. You know why. We were first walloped by our parents told, taught there is only way of living its my way  or high way,because as they thought your brains are too small to comprehend your life. We grew with this kind of mentality and went to elementary