Chapter 50 Driven by economy

The food which you eat,the friends who u
meet,the place where where you stay,the
partner you are staying with ,all is determined by money.
Money needs a source as explained by the
previous blog.Your money can be your
Although some of us work a 9h:00 to  5h:00
very hard to make ends meet.The salary which is obtained by these folks streamlines
their lives.Having a car takes 3 to 5 years savings,a second its a luck.
The same mentioned information can be
aligned to business.
I call it a domestic animal mentality.

A wild animal is got a wild mentality and
rely on running, timing,catching the "food".
We,human beings are relaxed.
We are afraid to take risks,even those risks
don't ask you for penny.
You know why.
We were first walloped by our parents told,
taught there is only way of living its my way  or high way,because as they thought your brains are too small to comprehend your life.
We grew with this kind of mentality and went to elementary school,senior primary,
secondary school,to college and finally at
Anything outside that is very dangerous, you won't even survive.
The churches and other religions taught us
everything came from God.(they couldn't
emphasize that God gave us brains)
In the previous blogs,I emphasized that some nations taught their children all the skills of life.the realities of life, business in
That is the real education.It is better to start
something free and improve from it.Later you can put some money.
You can email me to:
Subject: Free business.
The fact that you have read so far,it shows
that u do have an interest.
What holds u back?
Is it your past,fears,uncertainty, untrustworthy.
Remove those negatives.
I will be waiting for your email.


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