Chapter 4 About Yourself.(Texas For Hope/2017)

How was your day?
I'm back as promised.I watched Texas from USA cable networks. I asked myself the possibility of survival against the natural odds.Water can be a blessing or a curse sometimes.
In all what I saw made me to think deep thought of those trapped in water and cut of
those trapped in water and cut of communication but due to the technology era which we live in,we can see,what is happening.
There are certain questions about the individual trapped and people like myself who are outside.
To be true to ourselves, the hardship and feeling gravity would affect us either  permanent or temporary.
There are certain parallel affections.
To Texas People: Finance is a major blow.
No one has got enough money.
If u imagine Texas people will not have enough money.It is worse those who rely on whatever business. The investors will want to know how would the Texas would pick her business.Is it wise to partner with Texas? but the snack here the general population does not have money.Business functions because of capital.I believed
trust that the USA government and  the investors will  help the Texans.
There are certain questions which any investor would like to be answered. These
1.If I join this adventure, would I get a profit?
2.When will I get the profit?
3.Which are guarantees are u giving me?
With all this information, I want you to  be prepared  with any Life Storms which may come to your way.
First things first.
Let's help Texas People and ourselves.
Let's make some pre observations about Texas:
1.Few,none who thought about the coming of the storms.
2.Most (including  us) did not think of the enormity of the storm problem.
3.Some(including us)  the storm will temporary affect them.
Main considerations:
When affected by such dire situations one is immediately affected by:
-Overall  Life sustainability
Next time on Friday afternoon Chapter 5.
About Yourself: Resources and Sources
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