Labour Pains
I'm not a woman but women passed from labour pain so that you and me can be born.Some die and mostly live. We,the children know little or don't know that. What I mean in life there are certain pains which we must pass through.We either become successful or fail or to expect anything.The bottom line we should expect a certain degree of pain. Expected Pain as years passby 1.Job 2. finance or financing 3.Getting Food 4.Accomodation Planning with Pain 1.Business 2.Families 3.Education/Schooling/Skills acquiring 4.Having mutual Helping Friends and Colleagues 5.Paying Amenities/Services like Water and electricity. What about those who receive Social Grants from the Governments and taxing the so-called rich People. What do Grant Receivers think? 1.Money comes from the Government. It will never be depleted. 2.Most of them are satisfied about they get. 3.Some think about alternative income like selling candies or cosmeticsTh...