The Right Prayer

 A Prayer is a key communication  to God.Our prayers  are sometimes not answered or partly answered or answered  after years or a short time  if you are lucky.If you want to see whether your  Prayer will be answered and heavy impact,let's make the analysis.

Remember  God's  revelations  in the old testament.Usually God opens with statement:

Exodus 3:6 "I am the God of your ancestors,the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob " So Moses covered his face,because he was afraid to look  at God.Then the LORD said,"I have seen how cruelly my people are treated in Egypt,I have heard them cry out to be rescued from their slave-drivers" and read the Lord's Prayer.

Now,let's paraphrase the Words of Our  to our daily Life.We are all made with the image of God.Now the rest of we are not the descendants of Abraham but my ancestors  and your ancestors  too.

If we want God should hear and get his favour then lets  imitate  Him and say:

"God of Our Ancestors,my father ,Abraham,Isaac Who sent Your Only Son Jesus Christ  with Love Who died for us and you sent Michael to conquer  the Devil.(Help me to be successful) (Healed,Conquer) and one Day see in you in your Throne.


The following  day Pray the Lord's Prayer which is Our Father Who Art in Heaven

Pass this Prayer and with Faith God will Reply.


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