Buffalo Snow nofisa1

I have some followers in the USA that's why I'm concerned.It is  very touching seeing such a snow.I would like to donate but  I'm also living with donations who sometimes  put it to Western Union and check a MTCN numbers emailed to me to nofisa1@gmail.com  or paypal ncapaimakaula@gmail.com. 

Nevertheless,I can give you how do you keep yourself.                                                                          To protect the body temperature  you need:          1.Hold your breathe for 60 seconds.                        2.Warm yourself  with a blanket.                              3.The knitted hat,where only your eyes are protruding  or visible.                                                  4.Every 5 minutes rub your hands.                          5.Dancing or little exercise.                                        6.Less talk,mumble increases the temperature.    7.Take your tea or coffee or warm water.                8.Listen some tips from the local media.                  9.Keep your mind by reading or playing your favourite instrument.                                                  10.Play your indoor sport.


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