Why the Cat is very Clever nofisa1

I heard several interesting  stories about the cats.

1.A Cat is a Revenging Animal
I was told by my elders that don't  hit  the kitten especially  when the cay sees you.The Revenge will be very very very painful.Once the Cat  sees you,goes to the mountain or any place and "smells" a black mamba and rolls it to a circle and clamp the head into center firmly and limp with three legs to your house  and goes straight  to the  room of your children and open the pillow  case and pushes the mamba inside very fast and turn the pillow upside down.
After that the Cat will jump to the nearest tree or house visible to the room and peep.
When your children or yourself  screaming  the cat will turn her head all sides  which is  a sign of joy.
2.A Cat is a Fighting  Animal 
Usually the Cats win when they attack or attacked by any type of snake.The razor sharp nails and firing eyes coupled with  sharp intimidating  sound.
3.A Cat have aTiger characteristics
It is said the strength,jumping catching.The speed is equivalent  to a tiger.
4.A Cat studies your  family Life
A "Stranger" or a person who is not staying in your family the Cat  will come to you and rub herself to the stranger and purrs which I call sensing up.This was an old method from the Era of Babylon to Pharoah to Roman up to 1800"s to sense whether  a person who has visited a family is a witch or not.
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When a "stranger" 


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