Which Animal/s do you like?

Let me put it in this way,which Pet do you like? Why? You have your own reasons which you may like or not like.I grew up in the family  which liked animals, dogs,pigs and chickens.Each animal was liked for certain reasons.
There was a dog which my father called Shaka (Apology to Zulu People, who myself a Zulu)The dog was black in colour.It used to accompany him to the local shebeens.

Sometimes he used to leave the dog at home, untied.At midnight when he  was from the shebeen  he used to call it at a distance "Sha-----kaaa," pronouncing aaa from high megatone to mesotone  to pianissimo where the last a prounenced as ha---
The dog will jump fences of neighbourhood and "smell" him.

A Pig was slaughtered in every 3 months.My father used to say it's a delicious meat,drive away the evil spirit and you can smear it on your face and under feet.
So, the dog protected my father and our family.No one could touch us.The chicken was slaughtered in every 2 weeks.The roasted or boiled beef and mutton were eaten  from Monday to Friday.

What I have learned from our family: PROTECTION, DIGNITY and FOOD.Life was cheaper that time.I wished I could manage Life easier.
Let's go back to the animal which you like.
Animals like dogs may protect your family.

When you Protect your family,the dignity will prevail.Human beings are afraid of dogs.Some keep snakes,tigers.You have to apply for a licence to keep these animals.


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