Revive your business

Follow my guidance exactly:
1.1 Print out this survey or copy the questions exactly on the piece of paper or on a book.
1.2 Tick the alphabet which you believe it describes you better.
NB: Fill it as honest as you can.Remember if you cheat,you will be deceiving yourself and drowning your hard earned cash.
1.3  Next to each questionnaire there is an alphabet which carries a certain value e.g.1A(4). 2B(3) etc.Add all the scores which you have ticked
1.4  At the end of the survey you shall get your business performance.The first Results are acceptable.You can take the survey to see whether you are improving or detoriating or stagnant and go back to the analysis.

Drink Water now.
Let's get to the survey:

1.When you look at your mirror,what do you see?
A.Hardworker.                      (4).                 
B.Confidante.                         (5).
C.Desperate.                           (1).
D.A Fine Person.                    (3).
2.When you look at your business you see___
A.A Rising.                              (5)
B.Flat.                                      (3)
C.A Deteriorating.                 (2)
D.A bleak.                               (1)
3.Will your business last?
A.Yes.                                       (5)
B.I'm not sure.                       (0)
C.May be.                                (1)
D.Yes or No.                            (2)
4.Can you work alone?
A.Yes I can.                             (5)
B.No.                                        (1)
C.I need some help.               (4)
D.Perhaps.                               (2)
5.How many years you have been in this Business?
A.3.                                            (2)
B.4.                                            (3)
C.5.                                            (4)
D.6 and above.                        (5)

Total Score.                             /25/
Add your Scores.                   ____
Now visit the scoreboard which will tell you about your Performance.The Aim of this Analysis is to help you to improve.You can retake it weekly or monthly  and make comparisons:
0-10. You need some advice.Improve your marketing skills of which the will be there
11-14.There are certain changes you should make in your approach.
15-20.You have enough room of Growth.
21-22.Bring More Focus.
23-25.You are doing a Good job.Keep it up!


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