
Everyone wants  to succeed.Any success depends on:

1.How much did you prepare for your success!
Success depends from any earliest preparation.A good example:Schooling and ultimate education is believed to  achieve better in Life later.Education did work but nowadays you need more creativity and also depends what you have studied.Is it a scarce Skill or not.
The child needs to be taught about the importance of Education because Education is the basis of everything.Creativity and Talent are nourished by Education.

2.How did you nurture your success?
Success does not simple mushroom immediately but it grows in your presence.

3.How do you Remove obstacles?
Life is not straightforward.There are challenges which crop from now and then.
There are obstacles which prevent you not to  grow.Learn from the pine tree tap root. It penetrates to search for water and minerals to supply the roothairs.

4.Success may build or destroy you.
When things are fast may destroy you.It will bring  self pride,undermine other People not caring because you "sweat" what you have.  Instead that should motivate you to do other better achievements.If it's possible help others to grow.
Pass it to others.
Next time I shall outline Failure.


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