Our real situation

When I say Our Real  Situation,I mean  our Life in this Century  including  the so-called  rich countries.In my blog  Unemployedblogaddress.blogspot.com, I covered  many countries in different  blocks.The Wealth and happy life which  we see in the media id fake.Do you think I'm lying? Just type on search Unemployed (Name of a Country)  and  type again Unemployed(Social Grants,name of the Country) you will  be surprised.

We  are not as rich as most of us think.Whether you are educated or not.Even the Wealthy People  have grievances.They owe  banks,services they think day  and night about how to make money.Thats why  some of their answers  will  be from  letsnetwek.blogspot.com supplemented  with  businessideas.blogspot.com

You see the population  increases and it out match the government planning.Our borders  are porous.The grass is no more green.The USA with  mighty  Justice  is  facing the  same problem.
In my Country, we don't  have enough  resources  to address  such a problem.We have a high rate of Unemployment.Our Economy  cannot absorb the educated,worse  with  the  uneducated.

It surprises  me because  some people who  are here  have  the vast  land where they  come from.It is disheartening  where  a group of foreigners  invade the land,reside and open  unregistered businesses whereas our people  are arrested when their busrnesses are  not registered  not to mention when  they grab the land.To get s permit  here, you have to face the approval  from the Council,Councillor with a Survey and the Relevant  Departments.
You know what  I have  observed: Foreigners came to our area and got the best education  and in turn people  like me where  appointed  by a Foreigner perhaps  thats why  my Seniors  were Foreigners  and was not legible for the Promotion.

Only the government  can  solve  this problem  because  they resources.Then
there  came the Non Profit  Organization  which "won" in the court of Law that  the  Foreigners  should stay in this Country.The Home Affairs  did not chase anyone but they must go back to get the Permits  so that the government  can plan regarding the land,schools,hospitals.No country  no NPO of any  country  including  residents can allow this.Well, I don't  know whether  we think a better  Life after death!


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