Positive Developments

There  were  positive  developments in the middle-east especially  the Gaza-Israel or Hamas-Israel Government.At least there is a light at the  end of the  tunnel.

The Solution lays  on honesty  and keeping  the   Agreements honesty  not other sinistering, undergound intentions.The World at last have waken up.This was supposed  to happen long ago as early as 1948.

The Big Countries supported only Israel and took Palestinians as non existing.There was a belief that they will "disappear"  on the  surface of the earth.

The Primary Agenda was to prevent the influence  of Islam and other influences  especially  the communism and limit the eastern trade.There was no need should die daily.

Cuba,Vietnan,Iraq and Afghanistan  suffered  economically.The same approach was applied to China.Its not all.

Three types of freedoms were prescribed:

-Vote and Fail as long as you are loyal to that particular  Group.

-Throw away your Culture  which is barbaric according to them.

-Away with "dangerous " Religion.The good Religion has been corrupted.


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