The Type of People who we live with 1

Our World imitates the Animal  Life.It has become the survival  of the fittest.

1.Jobs are existing  for few People.
2.Good Education  is for those who have money.
3.No Difference between  a Man and Woman.
4.Law is no more respected.
5.Humanity  has evaded away.
6.We turn  to question  our norms.
7.We  turn to question  our Religion.
8.Our Women expose their bodies.

1.Jobs  are existing  for few People.
It is a question  of who  do you know at workplace.The Employer does not look at only the needs of a work or business  but you have to "fit" in to his /her  likeness  and ideology.

2.Education  is for those who have money. 
I mean good education  is very expensive.
It  is where you learn the Real Skills which create a job or where  you will  be marketable.Tell me, who is unemployed who paid $50,000x20 years at Private College to Prestige University? I think they are 0.0000001%

3.No Difference between a Man and Woman 
They both  wear jeans.A Woma can own a house and talk whatever  she wants.

See you in Part 2


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