Good and Bad People

There are Good and Bad People in your Life.Some you will meet them in fiture.
There is also  the invisible group  which is
pretending  to be good to you.That group is very  dangerous to you.

Who are Good People to you?
●those  who are honest to you.
●they  will tell you the Truth and not backbite you.
●they will appear in any time and support  you in bad times.
●they will tell you about what you can achieve  and  not achieve.

Who are Bad People?
○these people  backbite you.
○they flatter you most of the time
○they befriend   those who don't  like you.
○they encourage  to do what is wrong.
"Wrangle,Kill,Revenge in the name of Peace".
○they milk your money and you are not aware.

Pretending  Group 
■They act on your weaknesses like:
Exarcebating your feuds underground.
■they pretentiously "worship' you.
■they want to know all your moves.
■they lead you to wasteful expenditure  and you  are not aware of.
■they pretend to be in trouble  always while  asking to be helped.
■they want to gain sympathy  for you.


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