Chapter 44.Blogging & Yotube

Check the YouTube of Vuyo Makaula where u will meet the graphics of this blog. It is the
first time.I want to be first always.U can also  follow the same example.
I have developed the coding alphabet A,B,C1, etc then u can look at the corresponding coded alphabet.
Let's get to the today's topic:
Write some ideas on your blog.
My graphics are mixture of a comedy and an idea.That is meant to drive a selling idea
quickly. A research has showed that a 'happy or laughing' person will pay u easier
than a grumbling person.
From YouTube, Vuyo Makaula Blogging &
A.It starts with a mathematical human comedy 1x1=1 but answering 1x1=11
This idea can be sold under Advertisement as: Do u enjoy  your child saying 1x1=11?
buy this book to avoid this mess!
B.Polite greeting when u meet your clients
C1.Stealing of a business is like having stolen shoes.
U can't use both shoes,but u have them.
C2.The stolen business idea will be like a
forced puzzle and protrude off the idea.
D.The mere greeting. Hi causes attention.
E.Holding someone's hand transfers friendship and loyalty.
F.To be side on side shows agreement or to
be on par.
G.When u force yourself to listen,u will be more attentive u would be concentrating what is one saying and having undivided
Type on search below and search 2 task per day.Have a notebook so that one day u will
write your own eBook too.
Here are the topics to search:
Easy task automation
make money in your spare doing simple online tasks.
Earn money online & complete tasks on
www.dreamhomebasedwork com
https://www.moneysavingsexpert com
Get paid for easy task incl
What u going to do?

1.After reading  this blog,open the YouTube and search Vuyo Makaula
Search the topic: Blogging and YouTube
2.Under Task to be done
Take two tasks per day and write your
findings on your note book.
Your week will be complete for the week.


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