Chapter 45. Creating,Marketing, and Selling your own eBook

1.Choosing the topic
We all have different tastes,choices,some like to sing,cook,sporting,science,politics,love writing,small business whether digital or non digital.Make a choice.
2.vuyo1959 amazon
If u type on search vuyo1959 amazon,u will get a clear method and style of those who can support u and how u can make money.
3.How to Sell EBook Online 3dCart
After writing u can start searching this platform where u can sell your digital material.
4.EBook Store-WordPress Plugins
Create a WordPress Plugin where u can be
easily  found.
I called it personally a market branding to your product. Any one can do this one.
5.Downloading eBooks freely
When u download Books for free u get an idea,what should your content be like and
what does the market dictate at that particular time.People buy what they like.
6.Choosing a Payment Gateway
It is important that after writing, u should get the company which should help u to collect your money for your services.


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