Chapter 70 How many people who know you?

I'm going to ask simple questions but  few could answer me.Look at your watch.If it will take you more than 5 minutes to answer these questions,then you are lying to yourself.
The fact that you are lying to yourself, then how will you  expect boom in your business or how will you get promotion in your job?
You may post on this blog or to boost your image and the chances of growth either in business or at work.
If you feel one on one contact you may shoot SMS to 27712695247 and your email.
Here are the simple questions:
1.Does your family trust you? Yes/No
2.Who do you trust in your family?
3.Is it possible to start a new business?
4.Did you market your self?
5.How many potential clients do you have
   per week/month
6.How many people who buy your


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