Human Nature

Humans are funny creatures.
They are more strategic compared to all other living beings.In your  home you stay with different  people  or at least its you and your partner.
There are things  which you have to compromise.It can be your money,dignity,
language  and time.When the family  pressure  is too high, the expected and unexpected  action occurs.

The Big Question  is how much should you
persevere? The answer is as much as you
can.At the end of the day  you might be the
great Loser  and ultimately  affect your health.

It doesn't  end up at home,even in your business or at work.Whether you are in the
Management  or not.Not to mention  when
you meet clients daily with different  attitudes.You have to adjust yourself for the sake of your business.Otherwise your 
profits  will dwindle.

My final take  is,in this world only  those who could survive  but  the impatient ones
don't  go far.Even in Management  once
the workers complain about you they can
lay tools down or you  will  be requested  to leave your job.
You must first know  the strengths and
weaknesses  of people who around you.


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