
Showing posts from September, 2024

Amazing World

I went through my previous blogs under The taste of reading was not the same. What did People Read? -Practical, experienced information. -Relevant to their lives. -Global influence. -Accomodative What People did not  like? 1.Generation behaviour(Sept 09 2023)(89) 2.Interesting Question(family issues)(1/09/2023) 80+ 3.Failure(causes  of Failure)(7/08/23)(33) 4.Success(Preparation of Success)(06/08/2023)(39) 5.Which Animal/s do you like?(16/06/2023)(24) What did  People like exceptionally? 1.Why the cat is very Clever?(02/02/22) 1263) 2.Interesting People (28/01/22)(1073) 3.See how I got paid(25/01/22(1097) 4.How would you like to end up(23/02/22)(1051) 5.Happiness for others sadness for others  (22/01/22)(935) You can see which posts people liked and not liked. I conclude that perhaps Interfered too much in People's freedom because it sounded personal.Otherwise,I wrote under generally perspective.

Keep Going

Life is not static.It is moving.You must also move with times,otherwise  you will be swept away. What moves with Times? Who moves with Times? What makes anything  to move? How far will you go? What moves with Times? 1.Jobs: Upgrade your job. 2.Finances: Improve your Finances through Services. 3.Assets:House Extension Who moves with Times? 1.Hardworkers: Those who put more energy towards they are doing 2.Creativity:Those who have "new mind" 3.Drivers: Those who take initiatives What makes anything  to move? 1.It is the planning 2.To understand  your intention  and goals 3.To take an action How far will you go? 1.Your determination 2.Your effort 3.Your strength  4.Your stretch