Lessons from 3 Geniuses

I grew and associated myself with three Geniuses People.I benefited a lot from them.The two of these Geniuses  passed
away,only one is still living, although I don't know where to allocate.

The first one was Michael Sibiya.He used to get all the marks at Mshadza Secondary School.I used to congratulate him.One day
he told me that he was not a Genius, actually all of us were given the same brains,eyes and mouth.

The only difference is that when the teacher delivers his lessons,he exercise a
high degree of concerntration,taking every
word while the other learners are allowing
less absorption and because he concerntrates more then we term him a Genius.

Secondly,Genius People are those People who invented  aeroplanes,Engines and cars.The rest of us are copycats.

The second one is Michael Mathabela who once claimed that he was a Moving English Dictionary.The third one was George Nkosi who made English to be his
Mother tongue.Whenever we communicated in our language, he would reply in English.

There were  4 lessons  which I learned from those  three Geniuses:
1.Skill of Listening.
2.Positive Ambition.
3.Work harder.
4.Grab and use all the information at your disposal


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