Amazing World

I went through my previous blogs under
The taste of reading was not the same.
What did People Read?
-Practical, experienced information.
-Relevant to their lives.
-Global influence.

What People did not  like?
1.Generation behaviour(Sept 09 2023)(89)
2.Interesting Question(family issues)(1/09/2023) 80+
3.Failure(causes  of Failure)(7/08/23)(33)
4.Success(Preparation of Success)(06/08/2023)(39)
5.Which Animal/s do you like?(16/06/2023)(24)

What did  People like exceptionally?
1.Why the cat is very Clever?(02/02/22)
2.Interesting People (28/01/22)(1073)
3.See how I got paid(25/01/22(1097)
4.How would you like to end up(23/02/22)(1051)
5.Happiness for others sadness for others 

You can see which posts people liked and not liked.
I conclude that perhaps Interfered too much in People's freedom because it sounded personal.Otherwise,I wrote under
generally perspective.


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