Classify yourself

Did you ask yourself  before?
1.Are you Conservative?
2.Are you Liberal?
3.Are you in the middle?

The same  questions  may be viewed as 
1.Are you  financial  Conservative?
2.Are you financial  liberal?
3.Are you financial  in the middle?

We  can take  the same questions  to your 
1.Does your  Religion  want  you  to be 
2.Does your Religion  want you to be Liberal?
3.Does  your religion allow  you to be in the middle?

All the above  questions  will help you if you answer them honestly.
What are the benefits   of these Questions?
They will  shape  your Thinking and Behiour which  will lead you to better life.
You shall also earn Respect.
People will behave the way you behave.


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