What will you say will map the way out
I still believe that your words may give you a success or failure.The first words or at least the first communication goes a long way. Most People don't realise that but some uses the introduction as a powerful weapon to achieve whatever they want. Why the First words are important? It is because they -lay the foundation of what you want. -give what you expect or expected. -give the inner being of yourself. -give the other side which we did not know about yourself. Whatever you will say shall be the source of reference.Even the first ten seconds will be the source of reference. How are you perceived for the first time? 1.Your body language, specifically your appearance like frowning eyes and smiling 2.The period which it takes.Especially the first 5 seconds to a minute is very critical. 3.This will be followed by your words whether they are light or not. 4.The tone is the cement of all. Next: comedynewblogaddress.blogspot.com followed by Empiricalknow.blogs...