We are living in a strange world

What I have observed  seemingly everything is abnormal.
-Children disrespect their parents,siblings
not to mention the adults.
-Races despise themselves not to mention
the other Races.

-People love money more than other fellow
human beings.We murder,rape each other.

-We  enjoy when one is poor not working.
-We don't differ from wild animals.
-We don't trust each other.
The strangers and the  People we know are dangerous.

Why do I mention all this?
-Trust yourself.
-Do what  can help you and others.
-Visit  your roots that will be  your Religion 
Christianity and Culture.
-Have a positive mind 
-Stay healthy.
-Thank everyday and pray for each day and
-Ask God to guide  to appear in your Visions.

Visit also:
God is talking
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