Taking your Name Higher
Whatever you are doing is attached with your name.Whether you misbehave,create,
write,action, communication leaves your
name behind.
The next understanding is
What are you doing presently?
Does it put bread on the table?
Who are you working with? meaning working alone or a group or with technology?
There are things which we take lightly.
We respect mildly people who help us like
nurses,teachers, transport drivers moreover the mineworkers,welders,
builders,road constructors,pilots,captains,
police officers and service People.
Of cause we attach money.
Some of us think that money is everything
which is partly true but money survives for
a certain period that's why the poorest
becomes rich with one lotto and the super
rich loses everything in just a week or even
a day.We have an old Xhosa song which says: " lento ilivili iyajikajika namhla ndim kusasa nguwe lumkela ukwenza ngenkohlakalo" and repeated.
Translation: lento= this thing ilivili= (it's) wheel iyajikajika= turns over namhla= today ndim= me kusasa=tomorrow nguwe=you lumkela=watch ukwenza=do
In conclusion where do you want to leave
your name! or be thrown into History Dustbin?
Check also www.alldrims.blogspot.com
What is your Dream? if you did not see it.
Forward it to anyone you know.
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