Gaps which you can fill.

 Everyone wants  money.

The trick is how to get money.You must make your homework  thoroughly.Ask yourself:

1.Is your Product needed by the market.How much is your Product in demand? In the digital world the following  is needed:

1.Training: How to write Sales Letter,Video streaming which could be nature,animals,plants landscape treatment 

2.Some sell physical  goods like Old Furniture  or even the new furniture  Art as found in ncapaimakaula 

3.Check your Competitors  in digitally world.How successfully  are they.How do they portray themselves.What is it which they do you don't  do.

4.When did your Competitor start?Were you the first or overtaken?

5.Now check your shortcomings is it:

5.1 Finance

5.2 Manpower

5.3 Time

5.4 Production

Revise,implement the 4 previous blogs.I.shall give you time to breathe.Meanwhile  refresh your mind on: 

Each day you will get one post from above.


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