Skills needed for successful selling

 A.Emotional Preparation

Trust your Product.

Don't find any loopholes in your Product.If you do find fix it and have any good reason to justify it

B.Try to discuss it informally  to the people whom you trust.Don't take to negative  people.Have constructive people You know your company very well.You may post it to your social  media as an idea.Don't give details otherwise your idea will be stolen.Conduct early promotion which will include:

1.Seminars or Leaflets in busy streets.Use it as a Voting for or against.Submissions differ from buying say 100 stamped  self addressed where the prospective client  would put your questionnaire.It must not be too long.I think 5 questions  could do.

2.Which compulsory  incentive method would make your respondents to send their responses to you? Unfortunately,you will need to buy vouchers  from the supermarket  or money voucher which could be equivalent to soap,bread,starch (1kg)  it could be one or more items depending  on your budget.The number could be the first twenty to fifty.

You will  say  that at the end of the questionnaire. The terms of that  voucher should be the correct phone number  and residential address and post box.When the response comes to you,then you have to phone those people and make a further interview like asking whether he/she would like the product and when will the prospective be  ready.

If you are satisfied  then you can send the voucher through  the email or  post box.

C.Check before  Implementation.

1.Compare  your product with your competitors. Thanks God you may check in your internet search. 

2.Check how much profit would you make.How long  will you.get the Profit? Probably, it must not take  more than a year.(If so,how will survive ,surely you don't  be a bag of someone.You know a you open and close the bag as you like.Didn't you see a bag complaining? Why it's a bag)

3.Check the production costs.Digital Product is the cheapest.

Meet you next time on Post  Selling.If.we meet the threshold  it will be Saturday  or Sunday.Thanks for Reading.Pass it to others so that we can  have threshold  quickly as this post.Bye


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