Another Perspective

I wrote  many articles in this blog.My aim was that you must understand  yourself so  that you  cannot blunder in this world.My late collegue once told me the  world is cold.People out there don't  tolerate any mistake. It is either  pressurize you with  your mistake  or leave  you so that they can enjoy your misery.

The only problem  is that some of the things you are  doing  are beyond our boundaries. Most  of us think about immediate results not the long  consequences thereafter.Even in the immediate  results we act as heroes but that heroism will  lead to misery.

Just  think  about  the long  relationship. For example if you insult a certain person you will satisfy  your ego at that particluar time.You don't  think  about the impact  of your insult. You don't  know,how long  will  the person resist and beaf your insult.

The Long Term may resullt may bring a continuous  grudge and the revenge.
Obviously,its going to be long  and hard,
pehaps it may be passed to your  children and grandchildren. 
What  we do,doesn't end up immediately.
So be careful  what you say and what you are doing.
Let us meet at  on Sunday 16h:00 where Corruption  will be discussed  thoroughly


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