Generation Gap 1

In which generation  do you belong?Lets analyze  the generation  needs and you shall what each generation  needs.Its where you can  feature  your Product.

>0-10                                                                        This generation  likes toys especially  the electronic  toys  from the 3 to 10.They like to explore their move,They like  to associate  themselves .The Creators  of these  toys took a leaf from Television. 

11-14                                                                            This is the  electronic generation.They like to play with play stations,moving  objects. They believe in objects depicting Real Life.They want  to do everything with their hands  and produce  what  they want.

15-19                                                                            At this stage,they want to put their creativity  in either  in sports,music,art.They want to do and produce what they want.

20-25                                                                            This  generation  is highly money minded.They want to do something  which  will bring  money like Selling  their Art,Selling Fashion Art or to be a Middleman  as long as they will  be paid.

See you in Part 2


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