Interesting Question

I would like to ask you a very interesting  question.The question  was motivational.It was passed from our parents  which  eminated from their Grand-grand parents.The question  was Who is your Role model in our Line of genealogy especially  in this  family?

Don't  be like So and So.fortunately  every family  had a good and bad example.
It was  the wish of the family  that every family  should behave very well,exemplary in the community  and  uphold the family  name.
Then every family  member will  give a Credit and respect.The normal family  will not praise when  you disgrace them.

As the  time went on,the family  values were lost,people achieved more for themselves and the families  were undermined because  they had  money.

Now,the topic says: Interesting  Question. In an open way,precise,simplified  direct question."Who do you resemble  in this family?" Our parents and the relatives will go up to the past third and fifth generations  or as long  as they could  remember.When you have done them proud.Same applies when you have misbehaved they will liken you with  the bad person  ever known  in the family.


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