How long does a Secret last?

A Secret depends on its handling.
It may be personal or passed to the next person or to the next generation.

When is Secret Revealed?
1.It will depend  on the prevailing  situation.
It is like keeping the  boilingn water until the water vapour  vibrates  the pot and that means is able to rumble the pot.

2.The Weight of the  Secret
It depends  on its gravity,danger,source which is direct  or indirect  tensions. 

3.When is the Secret  Revealed?
-It may be used as a blackmailing 
-It may be used  for destruction or obstruction  or creating fear or personal gain.
-It may be used as a form of Revenge or
-It may be used as  a "off luggage" by the
Person who suffered  or enjoy  some unfair privileges.

4.BIG Questions
1.Is it  Right  to reveal  Secrets and if so to
Who to Whom,Why,When and Where?

2.Is Secret Oppressive  or Liberal?
3.What are the effect  of Secret on someone's health?
4.How  does Secrecy manifest itself on different nations?
My Observations are:

4.1 Some Nation "protect"  their People
through  language  because  we outsiders
should not know  their History  and Technology.

4.2 The  Super ideology False nationhood  enable the Government  to govern with ease.

4.3 The language  is used to hinder  mix
marriages.They don't  like the mix marriages  which may diminish  and make
their nation  to disappear.

4.4 Everyone must be confined  within  the
Borders of that country.They won't  be able
to make  business outside.

4.5 The environment  become  "hostile".
Very,very,very small number of strangers will survive  in that country.In some regions there  will be no stranger.


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