
I have delegated  all my posts  under one theme.
Where  does planning  start?
It starts from your MIND
Your Mind must have a vision.
In simple terms on layman's language  a vision  is an idea which will take you to the
steps you will  attain.

2024  is already expiring.
There  are missions which you couldn't   fulfill because of many  reasons  which some of these  reasons include  yourself 
although  you deny it sometimes.

In order to make your planning to be successful you must be realistic.You have to build from what you have.You must compare from what you have achieved  and not achieved.
How to go about non-achieved objectives.
You have to ask yourself  how long  will it take to achieve  your goals.

Before you sell your Vision to others,you must  satisfy yourself  that all or most of the loopholes  have been closed down.
Although you don't  have all the answers but you  understand  what you  say.
Don't  be afraid  or avoid to respond  to the
different  situations.


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