The Trurh About Life

There are issues which  you  can resolved 
yourself,the other  part there are issued  which you  can helped by others direct and
indirect and there are issues which cannot be resolved in your life because  they are
"too heavy" as you don't  have any answers or solutions as they are far relevant or
irrelevant  to you.

Issues which you can resolved
-what you can do in your means falling into
your scope of understanding.

-Understand  the start-end problems.
-When you are above your problem.
-When you get  more co-operation.

Issues which cannot be solved
-Some  generational problems.
-Undercover problems.
-Unknown Issues
-Hatred from nowhere

Issues which will need an outside help.
-Upgrading your job through education.
-Some solutions come  from other people 
like understanding the local people.
-By making  relevant  contact.

Instruments to help you can resolve
-Throw in money you  have.
Ask Elon Musk 
-By keeping  quiet.
-The issue can resolve itself.
-Patience is the mother  of success while the Patience is the  father  of results.



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