
Behaving to Strangers

There  is a difference between behaving in strangers and behaving  with strangers. Strangers are divided  into two categories: 1.The first Visitors or People who you meet you.You may know them but you never had  a serious conversation  with them. 2.The People who  you don't  know  them you have never even seen them before. Usually it may be a business or intimacy Your behaviour  will depend on your belief, culture  and understanding  his/her culture things  to say   not to say for the  first time and the  your country or his/her  country of origin.That will depend  on the flow of  your discussion. What you must know 1.The first impression lasts. 2.Your  words,what you say comes second. 3.The longer  you are with the stranger  4.Choose your point of discussions  carefully.  Don't  speak ill about other People 5.Don't  fall into a trap. 6.If you don't   have anything to say just keep on smiling. 7.If people  appreciate  your Assets,just say Thank you or Oh,Thank you. Don&

Leave a Mark

Whatever you do you should leave a Mark. Ask yourself. Will your name be forgotten in future? Will you be remembered in the History  dustbin? Surely,your wife,husband,child must remember  for  doing something  good or bad.Good People are always  remembered  positively.Bad Poeople are always remembered  and not much is discussed about them because  they raise tensions. What I have said the spouse and children  are remembered  at different level just like the politicians.Our commitments are  not the same in our lives Why  is it important to leave  a Mark? It is for the sake of 1.Peace 2.Unity 3.Love 4.Existence Who wil carry the mark? Your 1.Communities  2.Friends 3.Country The Results of your mark will create a Perpetual  1.Love 2.Hate  3.Revenge 4.Avenge My Advice.Do what is RIGHT 

Human Nature

Humans are funny creatures. They are more strategic compared to all other living beings.In your  home you stay with different  people  or at least its you and your partner. There are things  which you have to compromise.It can be your money,dignity, language  and time.When the family  pressure  is too high, the expected and unexpected  action occurs. The Big Question  is how much should you persevere? The answer is as much as you can.At the end of the day  you might be the great Loser  and ultimately  affect your health. It doesn't  end up at home,even in your business or at work.Whether you are in the Management  or not.Not to mention  when you meet clients daily with different  attitudes.You have to adjust yourself for the sake of your business.Otherwise your  profits  will dwindle. My final take  is,in this world only  those who could survive  but  the impatient ones don't  go far.Even in Management  once the workers complain about you they can lay tools down or you  will  b

Good and Bad People

There are Good and Bad People in your Life.Some you will meet them in fiture. There is also  the invisible group  which is pretending  to be good to you.That group is very  dangerous to you. Who are Good People to you? ●those  who are honest to you. ●they  will tell you the Truth and not backbite you. ●they will appear in any time and support  you in bad times. ●they will tell you about what you can achieve  and  not achieve. Who are Bad People? ○these people  backbite you. ○they flatter you most of the time ○they befriend   those who don't  like you. ○they encourage  to do what is wrong. "Wrangle,Kill,Revenge in the name of Peace". ○they milk your money and you are not aware. Pretending  Group  ■They act on your weaknesses like: Exarcebating your feuds underground. ■they pretentiously "worship' you. ■they want to know all your moves. ■they lead you to wasteful expenditure  and you  are not aware of. ■they pretend to be in trouble  always while  asking to be help

Your Free Mind may hamper you

Your Freedom  may  threaten  those who are in the bondage of inferiority  complex. I'm talking about what I experienced in my Life. Your genuine contribution towards anything  may be turned against you. 1.Family Level These People know you,your growth, thinking including  the food you like. So you are placed at certain  level. Whatever you do beyond the expected level is regarded as Polluted Mind which  must be "cleaned". 2.Job Levels Your contribution might be accepted  up to a certain level.There are two  fears: 2.1You are too forward. 2.2 You are viewed  as a Person who want "Cheap Popularity" 2.3 We don't want you to leave with your own  terms.We shall tell you when to leave. 3.Political Powerful words are stronger than the  modern Weapons. 4.How to save yourself. 4.1 Study, understand your company. 4.2 Know  People. 4.3 Give  praise where is due. 4.4 Find People who understand  you. If they are not available then stand for the Truth

Don't Fake,be yourself

I have 3 friends who  live different  lives. I shall use pseudonyms.Tim is older than me.He usually  try to appease us  by buying expensive  gifts  yearly. In turn we buy cheaper gifts,cheaper  drinks. We tried to visit his apartment.He was uncomfortable  about that,but he gave in. When we were into his apartment,he ushered  us to the lawn.Well,we accepted that.We asked him about  his family. He never  told us about his family. We asked  about his salary.He told us that he  was a Painter.We discovered that he painted 2 houses in 6 months  yet he behaved as a person who  could  afford everything. The other two friends are professional. Martin ( pseudonyms) is Teacher.He is a an English Teacher. The third  one Mary.She told us that she worked in one of his corporate office.She also spends   lot of money in expensive  Cosmetics. 

How do you rate yourself

No one rates himself/herself  as a failure. It is worse when you are rated a failure by other People. What makes  a Success? It starts  from your  mind or eyes. Any success needs: Determination,Push or Force,Cautiosness,Timeously,Focus and Discipline. All what I have said needs Preparation  and n look  for the possible path which may succeed or disturb.You can plan or be faultered unaware. But that does not mean that we must not plan,dream our future either for  finance or self development  to ourselves  and families. On taking this Adventure we must not fail to think otherwise you will not get anywhere.Opinions,suggestions may have  positive  or negative  results hopefully  that the negative unintended  results will not damp or dump us. You th People  around you either from your family or friends they also know you.Keep the early moves to yourself.