
Are you Ready?

Are you ready to take yourself to the next level? Which levels? 1.Finance. 2.Social Interaction. 3.Job Upgrading. 4.Taking your Business to  National and International Levels. 5.Family Upgrade. Those are the Questions which you must ask yourself at this time of the year  1.Finance. How are your Finances? Are they moderate? How many Debts do you have? 2.Social Interaction. Does your Socialization drain or make money for you? 3.Job Upgrading. Have you ever think to Upgrade  your Job through Promotion or looking for the better Job? 4.Taking your Business to National and International Levels What is your Vision about taking your Business to Upper National level to International. 5.Family Upgrade Do you have enough Finance for the next unborn child?

Life is a struggle(1)

As we grow,the Life dictates the type of problems which give us  challenges.There are 5 challenges which you cannot avoid 1.Siblings. 2.Parents. 3.Education. 4.Unemployment. 5.Retirement. 1.Siblings. Your siblings may make your life miserably indeed very hard or make your life easier.Whether your own flesh and blood or adopted. What have you already experienced? 1.Love 2.Anger 3.Happiness 4.Wealth  Poverty  2.Parents The duty of any parent is to 1.Parent 2.Feed 3.Love 3.Education Your education starts at  home then it is the duty of the school to guide children because some families are "loose"

Lessons from 3 Geniuses

I grew and associated myself with three Geniuses People.I benefited a lot from them.The two of these Geniuses  passed away,only one is still living, although I don't know where to allocate. The first one was Michael Sibiya.He used to get all the marks at Mshadza Secondary School.I used to congratulate him.One day he told me that he was not a Genius, actually all of us were given the same brains,eyes and mouth. The only difference is that when the teacher delivers his lessons,he exercise a high degree of concerntration,taking every word while the other learners are allowing less absorption and because he concerntrates more then we term him a Genius. Secondly,Genius People are those People who invented  aeroplanes,Engines and cars.The rest of us are copycats. The second one is Michael Mathabela who once claimed that he was a Moving English Dictionary.The third one was George Nkosi who made English to be his Mother tongue.Whenever we communicated in our language, he would reply in Eng

Amazing World

I went through my previous blogs under The taste of reading was not the same. What did People Read? -Practical, experienced information. -Relevant to their lives. -Global influence. -Accomodative What People did not  like? 1.Generation behaviour(Sept 09 2023)(89) 2.Interesting Question(family issues)(1/09/2023) 80+ 3.Failure(causes  of Failure)(7/08/23)(33) 4.Success(Preparation of Success)(06/08/2023)(39) 5.Which Animal/s do you like?(16/06/2023)(24) What did  People like exceptionally? 1.Why the cat is very Clever?(02/02/22) 1263) 2.Interesting People (28/01/22)(1073) 3.See how I got paid(25/01/22(1097) 4.How would you like to end up(23/02/22)(1051) 5.Happiness for others sadness for others  (22/01/22)(935) You can see which posts people liked and not liked. I conclude that perhaps Interfered too much in People's freedom because it sounded personal.Otherwise,I wrote under generally perspective.

Keep Going

Life is not static.It is moving.You must also move with times,otherwise  you will be swept away. What moves with Times? Who moves with Times? What makes anything  to move? How far will you go? What moves with Times? 1.Jobs: Upgrade your job. 2.Finances: Improve your Finances through Services. 3.Assets:House Extension Who moves with Times? 1.Hardworkers: Those who put more energy towards they are doing 2.Creativity:Those who have "new mind" 3.Drivers: Those who take initiatives What makes anything  to move? 1.It is the planning 2.To understand  your intention  and goals 3.To take an action How far will you go? 1.Your determination 2.Your effort 3.Your strength  4.Your stretch

Behaving to Strangers

There  is a difference between behaving in strangers and behaving  with strangers. Strangers are divided  into two categories: 1.The first Visitors or People who you meet you.You may know them but you never had  a serious conversation  with them. 2.The People who  you don't  know  them you have never even seen them before. Usually it may be a business or intimacy Your behaviour  will depend on your belief, culture  and understanding  his/her culture things  to say   not to say for the  first time and the  your country or his/her  country of origin.That will depend  on the flow of  your discussion. What you must know 1.The first impression lasts. 2.Your  words,what you say comes second. 3.The longer  you are with the stranger  4.Choose your point of discussions  carefully.  Don't  speak ill about other People 5.Don't  fall into a trap. 6.If you don't   have anything to say just keep on smiling. 7.If people  appreciate  your Assets,just say Thank you or Oh,Thank you. Don&

Leave a Mark

Whatever you do you should leave a Mark. Ask yourself. Will your name be forgotten in future? Will you be remembered in the History  dustbin? Surely,your wife,husband,child must remember  for  doing something  good or bad.Good People are always  remembered  positively.Bad Poeople are always remembered  and not much is discussed about them because  they raise tensions. What I have said the spouse and children  are remembered  at different level just like the politicians.Our commitments are  not the same in our lives Why  is it important to leave  a Mark? It is for the sake of 1.Peace 2.Unity 3.Love 4.Existence Who wil carry the mark? Your 1.Communities  2.Friends 3.Country The Results of your mark will create a Perpetual  1.Love 2.Hate  3.Revenge 4.Avenge My Advice.Do what is RIGHT