Achievements: nofisa1

 So far ask yourself: 

1.Last year what did you achieve in

1.1 Finances

1.2 Skills

1.3 Busineess

1.4 Health

2.5 years Ago

2.Did you bank?

2.1  How much did you bank?

2.2  Which business did you have.

2.3 Did it grow?

2.4 Which were the contributing factors which promoted growth  or made it fail?

2.4.1 Not understanding  your business.

2.4.2 Not having enough finance.

2.4.3 Too much wasteful  Expenditure.

3. Who misled you?

3.1 The government. 

3.2  Your Family.

3.3   Your Friends

3.4    Your Consultants


4. Who advised you correctly

4.1 The government

4.2 Your family

4.3 Your friends

4.4 Your consultants


5.I did  not take any initiative. 

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