Slow Thinkers

Slow Thinkers are similarly to Slow talkers and Stammeres who make 1% of any Population.
The Slow Thinkers  are extreme.
They are  either respond very fast or very slow.The Listener may be patient or impatient depending on  what interests the Listener.

What I'm trying to say :sometimes  you may loose big deals with  your impatience.For instance my Geography Teacher was a Stammerer  and I used to get  Distinctions in that Subject.

I'm trying to say Patience is the Mother of Success.Well, even if you  don't  approve  what you hear but a certain  sense or light may bring some clarity.I don't  undermine what anyone says or does.

If you listen the Slow  Thinkers cafully they will take you seriously.If you ask a question, you must be patient enough to listen and some of us have the tendency of impatient listening.


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