Who is your Role Model? nofisa1.com

Your Role Model may come from your family,relatives  or any distant person.There are certain qualities  which you emulate from that person.The present generation have a false Role Model sight.They are influenced  by "action" films.But if they follow  the film accurately  they find that not all is free.

There is this false life which is glamorous  which makes everything  easier.I think no one is born a Criminal but the life and culture which is accompanied  by thinking everything  is easy.The difficult road is forgotten or not taken serious.

The correct Role Modelling is a process but there is the other type which occurs once neglecting  the past or in an ignorantly  way.The Role Modelling requires a certain  level of wisdom or foolishness.
Of Course no one wants to be called a fool.Everyone believed that he/she is clever.
That is the problem.

If you look at Role Modelling some could not see whether they hurt others or not.


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