What did you miss in your Life nofisa1-197505

What did you miss when you were still young?
If you can be given an opportunity  to redo it would  you utilize it.
This is the question which I meet regularly  in the surveys which I usually  get.

Some of the wishes were childish like to drive a most expensive car of which it can happen.The effort should match the super determination.Things don't  happen automatically  or super praying but the courage will take you further.

You must know the reality  is different  from dreaming.You are the driver.The Human journey is very complicated.

I believe a person is a product of many contributions.I compare human journey to a house which withstands  the heat and the storms as well as the ground which is firmly hold it The ground is tested  by the soil  texture.Thats why a strong foundation  is needed.A lot of concrete sand and cement is thoroughly  mixed and left for few days.
Take your livestock then you will find your own answers and solutions.


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