Chapter 12 Promise 4.Payment Education 1

We are from different parts of the world.We were brought in different ways.Within our families we had different values.
Some families emphasized on human values,good citizenship building empowerment through family education family skills or public education. It is where  we implement what we like we human beings.Unfortunately it takes a long to realize and if told the agressivitivess.Are u aware that there are families which promote not to pay any service?Fortunately
in the 20th century. I call them 'grabbers'To prove what I'm writing is true,check chapter 7.
By profession,I'm a Mathematics Teacher at the Senior Secondary School.
At some 10 years back I taught learners who all failed.I improve as the years went by 10%, 20%,40% 80% and now its 100% with learners get 96 to 99 over 100.
What do u learn from this story?
And how do u compare from marketing? It is patience.How long should the patience
last?Its up to an individual.
When I introduced Chapter 7.I thought Chapter 7 would be understood by my bloggers.
It gave me some painful  question like:
1.Are my bloggers always like free information?
2.Do my bloggers think that I get this information free?
3.Do my bloggers pay for electricity?
4.How they get food?
    Do they get it freely?
5.Do my bloggers have family?
The core problem here is none.
I believe when u give you u will  also be given in multitude that's the principle which  God gives or I f u believe to Nature then Nature will bring back look at the soil the seeding,growing,seeding,growing etc.
Poverty to me  is an restriction of resource access caused by surrounding environment naturally or created or self created.
It starts from the mind to eyes and confirmed by ears.
Chapter 6 gives some light.
Chapter 7 confirms it.
Remember the mathematics story I
told  just now.
Next Chapter I will tell u  that Why People don't like  to pay.
don't like


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