Chapter 17.Keeping up Success

When you are successful or about to be
successful u have to nourish your success
through the relevant tools.
Otherwise, I compare success like the rain
water needed by the farmer.
After reading the stats,I found that my
readers  are willing to keep up success
There's that willingness  amongst u to do more to blog and internet business generally.

Willingness is part of creative success,but it is not kinetic.Take for example of a lawnmower whether electrical or manual
needs to be pushed unless technology takes
over again.
My family is very small. My many friends.His friends  found,escouted jobs for him and as a family we survived. His family
also was small.
I'm bringing this  story to u in order to learn that u create a luck which eventual creates success.
Fortunately u and me were born at the right time.Thanks God for that.I feel pity for
those who don't know about technology. I
become sick to those who do have ACCESS
to internet but don't use it.
I used to tell my learners and students that
on your obituary  must not appear three words: BORN in,,,,,WENT TO preschool,,,,,,
and PASSED away yesterday. End of the
Let me cite your "life cycle".
1.U were born in year.......
2.U learned to talk
3.U learned to walk
4.U saw and learned your family names and
5.U went to school
6.U learned to write,read,speak and other
Now your adult life can be classified as:
1.when u were single.
2.when u are/were/single/married.
3.Work/Business life.
The bottom line u are a driver of your life.
If not u allowed someone to drive u.That  someone thinks that u don't have brain.In
other words u a car.
The aim of this blog is to rebuild
your confidence.
U may send  10 lines  summary about your
problems or hindrances whether love history,work history under the subject: My
Story to
U can use your pseudonym.I promise to help.


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