Chapter 14. Promise 6 "I HAVE FIND a BUSINESS for U in your Country!

I have gone very deep to continent city to city,town to town,locality to locality.
The type of businesses which are not much taken care of and those  who think of have
unimaginable minds.
I have scaled these big  businesses to smaller, affordable which they can be available to any country anywhere to ordinary folks who earn less than $100 /,month or it is loanable.
You will be creating job opportunity and yes money for yourself.

Educated, uneducated, university graduate,
primary school child who failed 1x1=11 is
Every local Radio station,local media even
national media would to hear u.
You will be the hope of unemployed,religious and non religious. Some will put some on the table.You will be
signing contracts.

You will be very very very very busy.You will be needed more than electricity.
If you're not careful,u will sleep 10 minutes
per day.
Sometimes unfortunately u have to eat very
What will be the target of the business?
ANSWER: Everyone.
Now let  me hit the nail.
I'm talking about:
Business in Filming.
Who does not want to appear on the film?
The business content is:
1.Where to start with Filming
2.Setting up the whole concept from the scratch to the end.
The information is given as 10 points.(I don't want to bring long Chapters because some of us did not reach Grade 4 or the people who u are going to with in your country are of that calbre.
U must have as much clients as u can education should not be an obstacle.

The second idea is Agriculture. This concept
caters anyone,whether u are in rural or urban.You don't need thousands or hundreds or a hectare or an inch/cm
land.Actual u need 30cm x 30cm perforated
box sideways and bottom  10 boxes.
The third concept is Your Own Advertising
How,When,What know how will be discussed person to person through an email.
I will help u to organize yourself.
At this point is very important to clarify myself.
Full names: Vuyo Longman Makaula
Professional registrations: SACE (RSA)
 Mpumalanga Province                        Agriseta(Moderator)
JSTC (Zulu, English,Afrikaans)
Academic skills for Teachers in Practice (Unisa)
Advanced  Diploma in Mathematical literacy(Mandela University).
If u are either interested in Filming or
Agriculture or Advertising email me as follows:
Subject: Filming knowledge
Subject: Agriculture knowledge
Subject: Advertising knowledge.
Once I get your email,
1.I will open your file.
2.Create a special  survey.
3.Step by step while at the 4th stage u will be starting to get money.
The file,survey, contents will be each 10 points and give time for implementation.
This is for everyone and its for:
1.A Busy person.
2.A  Grade 4 or less failer.
3.A Lazy Reader
4.An intelligent person.
5.Those who earn less than $200
 per month.
6.Those who don't have a land or scarce
7.It can be implemented any where in this
world as long as there are human beings.
Thank u for reading email me:
Subject: Filming knowledge
Subject: Agriculture knowledge
Subject: Advertising  Empire.
I will be waiting for your email.


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