Chapter 18.Lessons from a bricklayer

Bricklaying is the special skill and not anyone can be a Bricklayer. I personally failed to build  a pit toilet.I'm note ashamed to share my success and failure to  other people being a mathematics guru.
The bricklayer expert told me that I needed
a correct,relevant plan on paper and translate it to the piece of land and that plan must  have  paper measurement and
land measurement to what we call relevant
To be honest to myself I did not have any plan,no measurements on paper but measurements on my head,sometimes messing them.
I mixed the cement with ten wheelbarrows
of sand with minimum  water of 10 litres of
water.I mixed the dung.I did have a fishline/coil.I had 6 croocked sticks.I had cement bricks.The pit was already there I have to ding my trenches around the pit.I laid the cement on that trench and put the
bricks  on top of each other until 2 meters
high.I did not forget  to put the door frame.
Whew! I patted myself that I did a good job.
I sI ate my breakfast eggs,toasted brown bread,bacon onions and tomato and cold  orange-guava-banana juice.
I started at 7h.00 and did what  I wrote above.
At 17h:00 I was done.
I ate my supper ox tail soup with maize meal and drank cold water.
I slept and dreamt a palace.
The following morning I went to look at my
Guess what?
It fell.I immediately called a bricklayer.
He asked me what happened. He discovered
1.I did not have a plan.
2.My trenches  may be were not straight.
3.I was supposed to leave the trenches to be
4.I did not a building instrument which determines the accurate level.
So what happened?
The foundation collapsed  and the
whole structure fell apart.
Now,with business is the same line.
1.Be mentored by experience Business
Expert.If some expert wants money first be rest assured that u are facing a Ripper.
(Such people are easily trusted)
2.U have to get the whole plan successes and failures and how those  failures were
3.Of course money will come as u come up.
4.At the early stage u won't be a millionaire
and even in future but it will depend in your hard working.
5.The bottom line u will have a better life.
In conclusion visit any building site or interview any  Builder and listen very carefully.
Take those skills and apply them to your business.


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