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Education  from home,community,school,university/vocational,self experience,Business/self employed  are intertwine.

Once your  schooling or upbringing  is incomplete your life becomes worse.Here let's discuss  education at home.Children from 3 months  are highly observant.The child recognize all the voices,smell,temperature around.

This  surrounding is "felt" and  grew with toys.The talent is unearthed.The child is empowered.This interaction will form the best  education.

In a Formal school most of these children who grew in a good atmosphere  prosper.

It also develops  intelligence  to wisdom.The world outside  needs wisdom.                                   <script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.Js?client=ca-pub-5675963239963028"crossorigin="anonymous"></script><aboutyourself.blogaddress.blogspot.com>ExtPay.js 


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