Growing Leadership 6 WHOM ExtPay.js

To Whom will he/she Report 
1.The new Manager should be told
what,when to Report  obviously not to the Brand Member or to the CEO

2.It should be explained the policies of the company  e.g
A Person who comes late  more than 3 times must get a verbal warning.Moreover you look at the pattern.The Manager  must have a Recording  Book where  each Worker must have a Page which will a Name Date Time Reason of Late  Coming.
The fourth  Misconduct  warrants a  Formal meeting.The Meeting should  be written and be in audio.

3.Which are issues which need the attention  of the Management?
3.1 Buglary
3.2 A Sick Person
3.3 A Person who did not Report  to Work.
3.4 Fire breaking
3.5 A Regular reporting informally and formally once per week.
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