Happiness for others,Sadness for others nofisa1

I'm twisting what I wrote and I uncovered that we are living in the world of the survival  of the fittest.The free resources  in our communities  encourage  some of us to do better  in our lives
but there are those who are more comfortable.There's a saying in IsIXhosa: "Ukuqhela kuyayisa ingqondo meaning when you are used to  a certain  routine you don't  use  think or use your brains and take everything  for granted.It is therefore pronounced  as uku=coo in cool qhe pronounced as  tongue touches the upper side in the mouth click as Khoisans or Southern Sotho in Orange  Free State  or Lesotho.

It is better that  Social Security Grant is partly used to open a small business or creating a product or looking for a job.
Which Products?
Nail Clippers
Sole mending
Selling soup or even cold water.
Selling Detergents.

Remember  there are People who are sad because  they have to pay high  taxes.More and more People are joining Social Security Grant and the private sector  should create more jobs I also contribute at unemployedblogaddress.blogspot.com 


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