The Sad Truth Part 2

There  are People who left my blog  The Sad Truth Part 1.I only apologize  where there's war one cannot self develop.When I investigate the origins of the People were from LinkedIn. Perhaps they were perturbed  when I asked the donation to PayPal Me .Vuyo Makaula?country.x ZA & locale.x en_US and give a link to make money.
The Sad  Truth  article was aiming  to promote  financial independence  and open your doors.Now some have misinterpreted  it or didn't  like it.I have tried to make a research  of such People.I have found:
1.Obviously the content have annoyed  them.
2.Some are not I dependent  the way of surviving is to "milk" the honest people.
3.The way they were brought up coincides to what I  write.
4.The Laziness Mentality  is embedded on their subconscious. 
5.The "clever mentality" is ruling them.
6.Relying on other people.As long as they get a plate of food from somewhere. 
7.Subjecting Mentality  that one may not make money in internet.Otherwise they all crooks.
Just test the url I gave you.No money is needed instead you are given tasks and you are paid.
Try me.


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